Keys for the Chicago State University campus and owned facilities are issued/distributed through Key Administration for the purpose of conducting University business. Access control to Chicago State University buildings, offices, class and residential rooms are the responsibility of the University Police Department and therefore keys are subject to recall or access denial per the authorization of the department governing personnel at any time. |
Request for assistance from the CSU Police Department for entry/access to locked doors require payment of a $5.00 Lockout Fee, which must be paid prior to service. Payment must be made at the Cashier’s Office, in the Cook Administration Building, 2nd Floor, Suite 213. If requestor is unable to pay the fee at time of service, a grace period of seven (7) days will be offered. Fees not paid within the allotted time frame will become the responsibility of the issuing department.
Chicago State University President and/or Fiscal Officers are the designated authorities for request/approval of access to buildings, offices, classrooms and residential areas within their preview. Per the authority of the University Police Department, keys are subject to recall or access may be denied per the authorization of the governing body of the police department. Keys should not be transferred between faculty, staff or students. All keys must be issued and returned to Key Administration, O&M Building, Suite 212.
Completion of a Key Requisition Form (Banner Journal Entry Form) is required for all key requests, authorized by the appropriate fiscal officer (signature required). Indicate the journal type (lock change or key payment), utilized to charge the requesting department any fees associated with the key request. A department Fund, Organization, Account and Program Code are required. (The Amount and Bank information will be completed by Key Administration). Provide the name of individual(s) to receive keys, key number(s) (if known), building(s), room number(s) and quantity of keys to be issued. Complete the Lock Change section, providing details for requested change (standard or restricted lock). Signature of the department fiscal officer is required, along with the name and number of a contract person who will be reached out to if there are questions or concerns regarding information noted on the form.
The Key Requisition Form is generally processed within 24 to 48 hours, however delays may be experienced due authorization concerns, incomplete or missing information on the form, lack of immediate availability (key is not in stock) or must be cut or lock may need to be purchased or re-pinned to match requested key. The noted key recipient should sign for the requested key(s) (presenting a valid picture ID), however department administrative staff may sign for key(s) with the permission of Key Administration. Business hours for Key Administration are Monday - Friday, 9:00am until 5:00pm If special arrangements are required, please contact Key Administration at ext. 3679.
The key recipient is responsible for keys issued by Key Administration, therefore, if lost, stolen, not returned upon departure from the University or upon request, the recipient will be charged.
Lock changes may be requested at the discretion of the department Fiscal Officer. Applicable fees will be charged to the appropriate department account as noted above. Submit the Key Requisition Form, completing the appropriate section.
Lock kits are available for purchase for computers and desks. Submit the Key Requisition Form noting the request for a Lock Kit in the Lock Change section of the form.
A fee of $25.00 will be charged for each lost key. Key(s) thought to be lost on campus should be reported to the CSU Police Department Lost and Found.
File a report of a stolen key or keys with the CSU Police Department and submit a copy of the filed police report along with a completed Key Requisition Form to Key Administration.
Aleshia R. Terry, Ed.D.
Location: O&M Building, Suite 215
Office Hours: Monday – Friday (8am to 4pm)
Telephone: (773) 995-3682
Fax: (773) 995-3681